AfLS Roadmap: Training and Mobility

The Projects listed are undertaken as AfLS projects or by Partner Organisations that share membership with the AFLS Steering Committee and recognise their project is a part of the AFLS Roadmap.
The AfLS is a home for many stakeholders to participate in the AfLS project under their own branding, sharing a common vision.
Please contact Simon Connell if you would like your project / programme to paper here.




Utilisation of Light Source and Crystallographic Sciences to Facilitate the Enhancement of Knowledge and Improve the Economic and Social Conditions in Targeted Regions of the World.  ICSU partners with IUPAP and IUCr to enhance Advanced Light Sources (AdLS) and crystallographic sciences in Africa, Mexico, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia and Middle East.


The African Neutron and Synchrotron Data Analysis Competency (ANSDAC) project aims to develop expertise amongst emerging Africa-based faculty researchers to engage with and make use of large scale international institutions such as neutron and synchrotron light sources.


Synchrotron Techniques for African Research and Technology (START). Promote partnerships between scientists in Africa and the UK. Developing and characterising new energy materials and structural biology to understand diseases and develop drug targets. AfLS attended this event.


 ASNAEM - Advanced Energy Materials - seeks to foster the development of skilled synchrotron users in the sub-sahara region and to build lasting partnerships with the respective beneficiaries. This is with the hope that when the first synchrotron facility is built in Africa, there will be a diverse local skilled user community capable and ready to utilse the facility. This project is funded by the UK Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) initiative.


The Synchrotron Research Roadmap Implementation Committee of South Africa has several programmes for Training and Mobility. Click above to visit their website. It is supported by he SA National Research Foundation and it also includes a Scientific Associateship of ESRF at the level of 0.3%.

AfCA, IUCr and PCCr

Towards an African Crystallographic Association. Please see the FB page. This initiative is nested within the International Union of Crystallography, which runs the OpenLabs Initiative, which is very important for Africa. "Like" the FB page and you will be kept up to date with this repository of news, reviews and opportunities.