AfLS Roadmap : Political Support

AfLS call by the African Laser Centre

The first formal call for a Pan-African Light Source was recorded into the 2002 Strategy and Business Plan of the aspirant African Laser Centre (ALC), which was then established the next year, and is described by S.K. Mtingwa, H. Winick in “Synchrotron light sources in developing countries” Modern Physics Letters A 33/9 (2018) 1830003.

2015 AU Declaration and Action Plan

The Declaration and Action Plan of the 1st African Higher Education Summit on Revitalizing Higher Education for Africa’s Future (Dakar, Senegal, 10-12 March 2015). Article 5.3.3 on page 22 recommends establishing a Synchrotron as a centralized African scientific facility.

AfLS1 and AfLS2 Conferences

The African Light Source Conferences in 2015 and 2019 have Strategy and Policy Sessions promoting the political aspects of the Roadmap.

AfLS presented to AU STC-EST 2017

The African Academy of Science made a presentation on the African Light Source to the Specialized Technical Committee on Education, Science and Technology of the Africa Union : STC-EST on 20 October 2017 in Egypt. The member states were called on to support the initiative.

AU Exec Council 2018

The African Union Executive Council Thirty-Second Ordinary Session 25 – 26 January 2018 in Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA CALLS UPON Member States to support the Pan-African Synchrotron Initiative.

Ghana will champion AfLS

Ghana will champion the African Light Source (AfLS) Ghana Business News Jan 30 (2019).