Home: AfLS7-2024 on Nov 18-22.

The African Light Source Foundation, in conjunction with the African Physical Society, is pleased to announce the 7th African Light Source (AfLS) conference and workshop. AfLS 2024 is scheduled as a hybrid (in-person preferred but also remote) event at the University of Johannesburg (UJ on Empire) from 18th to 23rd November.  This event will be an excellent opportunity for researchers, scientists, and professionals to discuss the latest developments, exchange ideas, and explore collaborative opportunities in the field of light source based science.  For more information on the event, including registration details, please see the attached poster and visit the official website:
We look forward to your participation in what promises to be a highly informative and engaging conference

AfLS Roadmap: Conferences, Schools

Conferences and Schools that focus on building awareness of the benefits of light source based research; enhancing education; developing human capacity; developing international collaborations, linkages and partnerships related to light sources. See Projects here.

AfLS Roadmap: Training and Mobility

Promoting mobility and access to current light sources to develop deep training. Visits can be from weeks to years.  Develop human capacity and  establish longer term international collaborations, linkages and partnerships related to light sources. See projects here.

AfLS Roadmap: Local and Regional Resources

Promote the development of local and regional facilities that act as research facilities in their own right, as well as training, support and feeder infrastructure enabling successful programs at light sources.but also as training. See projects here.

AfLS Roadmap: Political Support

The AfLS Steering Committee is working to make the AfLS a priority for the African continent. The AfLS and its partners interact with the African Governments and Pan African bodies such as the Africa Union. See Projects here.

AfLS Roadmap: African Consortia

The AfLS Steering Committee and partners are working to establish African Consortia to realise African Beam-lines and  Joint Memberships at International Light Sources, and Regional infrastructures as mini-lights sources or enabling infrastructures. See projects here.

AfLS Roadmap : CDR

AfLS team is working on the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) that will study and answer the questions of What, When, How and Why ? The question of Where is at a much laters stage, after the Pan-African programme has accepted the CDR. See projects here.

What is a Synchrotron Lightsource?

Synchrotron light sources are very large scale research infrastructures. The are giant multidisciplinary super-microscopes using very intense X-rays, infra-red or UV to study  the detailed atomic structure of all materials (also biological).  LAAAMP Brochure.  More

A Synchrotron Lightsource for Africa

Synchrotrons Around the WorldThe website lightsources.org has links to 47 synchrotron radiation research facilities based on electron storage rings in 23 countries in operation, construction or planning. It is  now time for Africa to have one too. Many African scientists already perform experiments at facilities in Europe and elsewhere.  Indeed, in order to be competitive socially, politically and economically in the years to come, access to a nearby synchrotron light source will be an absolute necessity.  More


AfLS - Conferences

1st: 2015, 2nd: 2019, 3rd: 2020, 4th: 2021, 5th: 2022, Upcoming 6th Conference: AfLS 2023, Nov 13-17, 2023 with many other partners.

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