AfLS goes to Abidjan (Mar 2018)

An important dual event in Abidjan in 22-31 March 2018  was the

  • Inauguration of Diffractometers and IUCr-UNESCO Bruker
    OpenLab at Abidjan, Laboratory of Crystallography and Molecular Physics Felix Houphouet Boigny University (Ivory Coast)

and also the

Several AfLS Steering Committee members were involved. At this time the alliance with the Pan African Conference of Crystallography was formed.

The OpenLAB programme develops  a network of operational crystallographic laboratories based in different countries worldwide, many in less endowed regions of Africa, South and Central America and South Asia. This initiative is aimed at allowing access to crystallographic knowledge and technology in all parts of the world, key for the fruitful development of science, and to open possibilities for conducting high-level research. It is a joint initiative of the International Union of Crystallography and UNESCO, started as one of the main actions for the International Year of Crystallography 2014. Activities are normally conducted in partnership with major equipment manufacturers as well as with other institutions.


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