African Lightsource Conference and Workshop: 16 -20 November 2015

African Lightsource Conference and WorkshopDate : 2015

The first African Lightsource Conference and Workshop
Date : 16 -20 November 2015
Venue : ESRF, Grenoble,
Participants are African scientists, colleagues, students who have worked at Light Sources and friends of Africa who support the vision for an African Light Source.Workshop Agenda
The programme focusses on

  1. Review the status of the African User Base at international light sources.
  2. Presentations of African work at lightsources around the world.
  3. Presentations of highlights and status of lightsources globally.
  4. Discussions of strategy and policy for the the Roadmap towards an Africa Light Source.
  5. Election of the new, fully mandated Steering Committee for the African Light Source and dissolution of the Interim Committee.

Final book of abstracts

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