Historic Day for African Science

 Wednesday will be a historic day in African science!! Today we inaugurate the African Crystallographic Association (AfCA)!  Please be sure to catch the historic session at 11h45 GMT+2 The objectives of AfCA are to contribute to the advancement of crystallography and structural science in all its aspects, to promote African cooperation in crystallography and related… Read More Historic Day for African Science

Press Release – African Lightsource Conference and Workshop [Portugese]

COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA A PRIMEIRA FONTE DE LUZ AFRICANA CONFERÊNCIA E WORKSHOP 16-20 DE NOVEMBRO – ESRF- FRANCE, GRENOBLE No contexto do Ano 2015 A UNESCO Ano Internacional da luz, os cientistas de todo o mundo e funcionários do governo vai convocar no Laboratório Europeu de Radiação Síncrotron (ESRF) para discutir as oportunidades de construir… Read More Press Release – African Lightsource Conference and Workshop [Portugese]

African Lightsource Conference and Workshop: 16 -20 November 2015

The first African Lightsource Conference and Workshop Date : 16 -20 November 2015 Venue : ESRF, Grenoble, Participants are African scientists, colleagues, students who have worked at Light Sources and friends of Africa who support the vision for an African Light Source.Workshop Agenda The programme focusses on Review the status of the African User Base… Read More African Lightsource Conference and Workshop: 16 -20 November 2015