Daily Maverick: Op-Ed: South Africa needs more investment in biophysics and structural biology

Read about BioPhysics in South Africa South Africa has some excellent researchers in various branches of biophysics. However, despite lofty documents put out by the Department of Science and Technology like the Bioeconomy Strategy and the SARIR (South African Research Infrastructure Roadmap), South Africa remains woefully under-invested in biophysics and structural biology. By TJAART KRUGER,… Read More Daily Maverick: Op-Ed: South Africa needs more investment in biophysics and structural biology

A bonanza of everything “light sources” in one place !

Lightsources.org welcomed over 500 attendees to a live virtual symposium to mark the 75th Anniversary of the first direct observation of synchrotron light in a laboratory. The event took place on the 28th April 2022. The recording below archives this amazing event. AfLS highly recommends viewing these recordings to get the best overview of the… Read More A bonanza of everything “light sources” in one place !

Launching the AfLS-CDR call for Letters of Interest

The call is out to all Africans, Diaporeans, Friends of Africa to send in Letters of Interest. This LoI will indicate whay you wnat to see in a future African Light Source. What Science should it do ? What Technology should be there for the Accelerator, the Beamlines, the Instruments, the support infrastructure What Industry… Read More Launching the AfLS-CDR call for Letters of Interest

SAIP Webinar: The African Light Source: Towards a brighter future

Title:  The African Light Source: Towards a brighter future Speaker:  Prof Simon Connell – University of Johannesburg / Chairperson – African Light Source Foundation SAIP Webinar 20 November 2020: at 13:00HRS South Africa Time https://zoom.us/j/95823647563?pwd=TWJHZ0NWWUNYTHY0RXBQNEk5ZWZsUT09 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2772327832984294&id=1660099704207118 Recording: Download Slides Abstract: The Advanced Light Source (ALS) is one of the most transformative large-scale infrastructures for knowledge and innovation based sustainable socioeconomic… Read More SAIP Webinar: The African Light Source: Towards a brighter future

Deep training and research by Postgrads and Postdocs from Africa at the ESRF

Today, the 13 October, two students – Fortune Mokoena and Alicia Potgieter – one a PhD, the other an MSc, left Africa to undergo deep training and perform research in engineering aspects of modern advanced light sources. They will arrive tomorrow morning at the ESRF in Grenoble, France. They follow closely on the heels of… Read More Deep training and research by Postgrads and Postdocs from Africa at the ESRF

When will an African light source be built?

A good question came to us over Twitter. “Is there a timeline on building that synchrotron? (For all the curious young scientists out there you know.)” The short answer is, “Yes.” The African Light Source Foundation (AfLS), which is a legally constituted African NGO, has a defined mandate and roadmap that calls for 10-15 year… Read More When will an African light source be built?

The African Light Source Foundation supports Black Lives Matter

The African Light Source Foundation is committed to a world free of racism, sexism and mysogyny, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, religious bigotry and discrimination on any other basis. An advanced light source for Africa is a large-scale endeavour requiring the combined ambition and effort of many countries working together across borders and cultures, and is envisioned… Read More The African Light Source Foundation supports Black Lives Matter

The Coronavirus: Synchrotrons and Cryo-EM to the rescue- Now with Updates !

First Post 3 March 2020 A terrible deathly coronavirus epidemic has gripped many countries, and its tentacles are spreading out to ever more countries. The World Health Organisation has just escalated its terminology to announce that the global risk of the outbreak spreading is “very high”. This is just short of a pandemic. Perhaps by… Read More The Coronavirus: Synchrotrons and Cryo-EM to the rescue- Now with Updates !