AfLS at the World Science Forum (Nov 2017)

The AfLS was resented at a special session of the World Science Forum 7-11 Nov 2017.  called Light Sources and Crystallographic Sciences for Sustainable Development. The session theme maintained that because of their high costs and multidisciplinary use, large-scale synchrotron light sources facilities provide strong opportunities for integration through networking and cost-sharing, and promote multi-disciplinary… Read More AfLS at the World Science Forum (Nov 2017)

AfLS at UNESCO-IBSP (Jan 2017)

Simon Connell  presented the AfLS to the UNESCO International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP) Board. UNESCO played a key role in the establishment and support of SESAME. The meeting was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The Scientific Board provides advice to the Director-General, especially on IBSP’s activities relating to capacity building in training and research… Read More AfLS at UNESCO-IBSP (Jan 2017)

AfLS at Int Conf Research Infrastructures (Oct 2016)

The AfLS set up a stall together with the SA Synchrotron Users. This took advantage of International Conference on Research Infrastructures ( ICRI) being held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 3-5 October 2016, It was jointly hosted by the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the European Commission. The AfLS had a rolling slideshow… Read More AfLS at Int Conf Research Infrastructures (Oct 2016)