A Synchrotron Radiation Facility for Africa

Sekazi K. Mtingwa Triangle Science, Education & Economic Development, LLC Massachusetts Institute of Technology African Laser Centre Herman Winick SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Stanford University July 10, 2014 INTRODUCTION Synchrotron radiation has revolutionized basic and applied research in many scientific and technological disciplines, leading to a proliferation of facilities around the world. The website lightsources.org… Read More A Synchrotron Radiation Facility for Africa

Science at Synchrotrons in SA – Notices and Download pages

News 21 May 2013 : South Africa signed a medium-term agreement with the ESRF at a level of 0.3% and, in doing so, became the 20th country to join the European synchrotron. NRF press release, ESRF press release, M&G atricle. February 2012 : Article by Sekazi Mtingwa “Synchrotron Science on the move in South Africa”… Read More Science at Synchrotrons in SA – Notices and Download pages

Synchrotron Science on the Move in South Africa

By Sekazi K. Mtingwa MIT and African Laser Centre Consultant to Brookhaven National Laboratory Excitement is growing within South Africa’s synchrotron light source user community. That excitement led to a two-day workshop, held December 1-2, 2011, in Pretoria to finalize plans for the drafting of a strategic plan document to be submitted to the government’s… Read More Synchrotron Science on the Move in South Africa