AfLS at Science Forum SA (Dec 2017)

Science Forum South Africa took place from 7-8 December 2017. This events attracts thousands of delegates from all over Africa, including very senior government policy makers. There were two presentations A Network of Compact Advanced Lightsources in Africa – Dr Michael Feser (Lyncean Technologies) Structural Biology: X-Ray Crystallography and Cryo Electron Microscopy for Drug and Materials… Read More AfLS at Science Forum SA (Dec 2017)

AfLS at the World Science Forum (Nov 2017)

The AfLS was resented at a special session of the World Science Forum 7-11 Nov 2017.  called Light Sources and Crystallographic Sciences for Sustainable Development. The session theme maintained that because of their high costs and multidisciplinary use, large-scale synchrotron light sources facilities provide strong opportunities for integration through networking and cost-sharing, and promote multi-disciplinary… Read More AfLS at the World Science Forum (Nov 2017)

AfLS at UNESCO-IBSP (Jan 2017)

Simon Connell  presented the AfLS to the UNESCO International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP) Board. UNESCO played a key role in the establishment and support of SESAME. The meeting was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The Scientific Board provides advice to the Director-General, especially on IBSP’s activities relating to capacity building in training and research… Read More AfLS at UNESCO-IBSP (Jan 2017)

AfLS at Int Conf Research Infrastructures (Oct 2016)

The AfLS set up a stall together with the SA Synchrotron Users. This took advantage of International Conference on Research Infrastructures ( ICRI) being held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 3-5 October 2016, It was jointly hosted by the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the European Commission. The AfLS had a rolling slideshow… Read More AfLS at Int Conf Research Infrastructures (Oct 2016)

Press Release – African Lightsource Conference and Workshop [Portugese]

COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA A PRIMEIRA FONTE DE LUZ AFRICANA CONFERÊNCIA E WORKSHOP 16-20 DE NOVEMBRO – ESRF- FRANCE, GRENOBLE No contexto do Ano 2015 A UNESCO Ano Internacional da luz, os cientistas de todo o mundo e funcionários do governo vai convocar no Laboratório Europeu de Radiação Síncrotron (ESRF) para discutir as oportunidades de construir… Read More Press Release – African Lightsource Conference and Workshop [Portugese]

African Lightsource Conference and Workshop: 16 -20 November 2015

The first African Lightsource Conference and Workshop Date : 16 -20 November 2015 Venue : ESRF, Grenoble, Participants are African scientists, colleagues, students who have worked at Light Sources and friends of Africa who support the vision for an African Light Source.Workshop Agenda The programme focusses on Review the status of the African User Base… Read More African Lightsource Conference and Workshop: 16 -20 November 2015