The African Light Source Foundation supports Black Lives Matter

The African Light Source Foundation is committed to a world free of racism, sexism and mysogyny, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, religious bigotry and discrimination on any other basis.

An advanced light source for Africa is a large-scale endeavour requiring the combined ambition and effort of many countries working together across borders and cultures, and is envisioned to be an international user facility, open to all and free of all these scourges of human behaviour.

Specifically at the core of our raison d’etre, we stand against anti-Black racism. We exist as a particular remedy to the structures and patterns of systemic anti-Black racism in the realm of science and technology enterprises.

We are grateful to have received the support in our work of the global light source community, some 50 facilities worldwide, and their respective users; spanning the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Russia. The African Light Source Foundation joins all of our colleagues in reflection and renewed commitment to a discrimination-free world.

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